Create a virtual desktop (Linux/Windows)

Create a powerful Linux or Windows virtual desktop in a single click

To access the Virtual Desktop section, click "Virtual Desktops" on the left sidebar:

To launch your virtual desktop click "Launch new Virtual Desktop" button. You will be prompted with a new modal asking you a couple of questions:

  • Session Name: A name for your desktop

  • Operating System: The operating system you want to use from:

    • Linux

      • Amazon Linux 2

      • CentOS 7

      • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

    • Windows:

      • Windows Server 2019

  • Software Stack: A software stack is an EC2 AMI with pre-installed and pre-configured applications defined by your cluster administrator. Refer to Virtual Desktop Images (Software Stacks) to learn how to create custom software stack for your team.

  • Hibernation: Select whether or not you want to enable hibernation for your session. You must be verify if your EC2 instance supports hibernation first

  • Virtual Desktop Size: Instance type to provision. Select of EC2 instance types is based on the list of instances safe-listed by your cluster administrator and the project selected. You can change this value later without having to re-create a new desktop (see Modify a virtual desktop)

  • Storage Size: Size of the main EBS partition

  • Advanced Options: Advanced option such as enforcing a subnet ID or choose the DCV sessions type

Click "Submit" button to launch your virtual desktop creation. You will instantly see a new card with your desktop information. Your virtual desktop will be ready within 10-15 minutes. Startup time is based on the image selected, the operating system as well as the instance type.

Wait a couple of minutes until your desktop is ready.

IDEA automatically detects GPU instances and install the relevant drivers (NVIDIA GRID, NVIDIA Tesla, AMD) automatically

How to access your Windows or Linux desktop

Once your virtual desktop is up and running, you can click the card and connect it either via web or DCV client.

Easiest: Access your desktop from within your web browser

Click "Connect" button or click the thumbnail to access your Windows or Linux desktop directly via your browser.

Best Performance: Use DCV Client

Click "DCV Session File" button to download your .dcv file. To open this file, you will need to have the DCV Client installed on your system. Click the "?" icon to access to the download link and installation instructions.

Retrieve Session Information

Click Actions then Show Infos to retrieve your session information such as instance type, subnet id, operating system etc ...

Last updated