Set up budget per project

On this page, we will demonstrate how to configure a budget for a given project and reject jobs if you exceed the allocated budget

Create a new AWS Budget

Go to AWS Billing, click "Budgets" on the left sidebar and create a new budget

Click "Create Budget" and choose "Customize (Advanced)" to create a "Cost Budget" and configure the Period/Budget Scope based on your requirements.

We recommend you to set up a email notification when your budget exceed 80%

Map your AWS Budget to an IDEA project

You now need to map the AWS Budget to an IDEA project (click here to learn more about project management on IDEA)

On your IDEA web interface, click "Projects" and "Create a New Project". Fill out the form and make sure to "Enable Budget for this Project". Enter the AWS budget name for your project (must match the name of your budget configured on AWS Budget)

You should now see the budget on your IDEA project. Make sure to select your project and click "Actions" > "Enable Project"

Map the project to a queue

Now that you have your IDEA project linked to AWS Budget created, you need to specify which queue(s) you want this configuration to apply. Navigate to IDEA Queue Profile

Select the queue profile and click "Actions" > "Edit Queue Profile" then map your project to the profile.

Test the integration

Valid Budget

With a valid budget, job(s) will be submitted successfully

Invalid Budget

Let's now pretend we ran out of money for a given budget.

Job submission will then be impossible on IDEA

Allow 15 minutes for IDEA to be fully in sync with AWS Budget

IDEA projects can be consumed by multiple modules. In a similar way where HPC WorkLoads will be rejected if a budget has expired, IDEA users won't be able to provision their Virtual Desktop Interface (VDI) until additional budget is available to them.

Last updated