Standard Installation

Review Pre-Requisites section first

Install IDEA from scratch

Option1: Automatic installation

Copy/Paste this command on your terminal to launch the installation


Option2: Download the installer and execute it manually

As an alternative, you can download via this and execute it on your Linux or Mac environment via /bin/bash quick-setup

./ utility offers many features. Refer to IDEA CLI utility for more details.

Follow the installation wizard to install IDEA. During the installation, you will be prompted for various AWS parameters.

quick-setup proceed to a brand new deployment, if you are looking to re-use existing AWS resources running on your AWS environment (VPC, subnets ..), refer to .

Run export IDEA_ADMIN_AWS_CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER=Ec2InstanceMetadata prior to quick-setup if you are planning to authenticate to AWS using IAM role and not IAM user.

Installation will take anywhere between 30 to 80 minutes depending the module(s) you are planning to install. Connection strings will be displayed at the end of the installation

checking endpoint status for cluster: idea-test, url: ...
| Module                       | Endpoint                                                                                          | Status  |
| Cluster Manager              |             | SUCCESS |
| eVDI                         |                         | SUCCESS |
| Scale-Out Computing          |                   | SUCCESS |
| OpenSearch Service Dashboard |                | SUCCESS |

Resume installation in case of failure

IDEA deployment creates multiple stacks based on modules selected for deployment. The total time of deployment can range anywhere between 40 mins to 1.5 hours.

After a CloudFormation stack is deployed for a module, the status of each module maintained in DynamoDB changes from not-deployeddeployed.

You can check the deployment status per module by running:

./ list-modules  \
  --cluster-name <CLUSTER_NAME> \
  --aws-region <REGION>
# example:
./ list-modules --cluster-name idea-dev1 --aws-region us-east-1
| Name                       | Module ID        | Type   | Stack Name                 | Version      | Status   |
| metrics                    | metrics          | stack  | idea-dev1-metrics          | 3.0.0-beta.1 | deployed |
| cluster-manager            | cluster-manager  | app    | idea-dev1-cluster-manager  | 3.0.0-beta.1 | deployed |
| directoryservice           | directoryservice | stack  | idea-dev1-directoryservice | 3.0.0-beta.1 | deployed |
| virtual-desktop-controller | vdc              | app    | idea-dev1-vdc              | 3.0.0-beta.2 | deployed |
| cluster                    | cluster          | stack  | idea-dev1-cluster          | 3.0.0-beta.2 | deployed |
| scheduler                  | scheduler        | app    | idea-dev1-scheduler        | 3.0.0-beta.1 | deployed |
| global-settings            | global-settings  | config | -                          | -            | deployed |
| analytics                  | analytics        | stack  | idea-dev1-analytics        | 3.0.0-beta.1 | deployed |
| bastion-host               | bastion-host     | stack  | idea-dev1-bastion-host     | 3.0.0-beta.1 | deployed |

If you encounter any errors during deployment, in one of the stacks, the default behavior is to rollback the deployment for that particular stack. Try to investigate the cause of the problem using the Event log displayed by CDK.

If you are able to identify and fix the problem, you can safely run the below command to re-trigger the installation. Process will resume automatically after the last known operation:

./ deploy all \
  --cluster-name <CLUSTER_NAME> \
  --aws-region <REGION>

If only one module has failed, you can run ./ deploy <MODULE_NAME> directly.

Install IDEA using existing AWS resources

As an alternative, you can install IDEA using existing resources running on your AWS environment such as VPC, Subnets, Filesystems, OpenSearch clusters and more.

To enable this mode, use --existing-resources as shown below:

./ quick-setup --existing-resources

IDEA installer will guide you through the entire process during Step 3

Change default installation parameters

IDEA is 100% customizable and because of that, we cannot provide all the options via a single wizard. Follow these steps if you want to change the default parameters for any module.

1 - Proceed to the regular Installation via quick-setup

2 - Pause when the installer prompt you with "Are you sure you want to update cluster settings db with above configuration from local file system?"

At this point, open a new terminal and navigate to ~/.idea/clusters/<YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME>/<YOUR_REGION>/`

You should see `values.yml` and a `config` folder. config contains all settings which are module specific

ls ~/.idea/clusters/idea-test/us-east-2/config/
analytics		directoryservice	metrics
bastion-host		global-settings		scheduler
cluster			idea.yml		shared-storage
cluster-manager		identity-provider	vdc

3 - Update your parameter(s)

In this example, we will show you how to update the following parameters:

  • vdc.dcv_session.allowed_sessions_per_user: Number of virtual desktops per user (default to 5)

  • vdc.dcv_session.instance_types.allow: Control what type of EC2 instance can be provisioned as virtual desktops by the end users (default to t3, g4dn, g4ad, m6a and m6g).

The screen below (generated during quick-setup ) reports the default values for both sessions

To update these parameters, edit `~/.idea/clusters/<YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME>/<YOUR_REGION>/config/vdc/settings.yml` and update the relevant keys.

4 - Reload the installer configuration

Go back to your IDEA installer and choose "Reload Changes"

5 - Validate the installer will now use your new parameter(s)

Reloading configuration should take less than 5 seconds. Once done, validate your parameter(s) is/are have been successfully updated. The screen below confirm "vdc.dcv_session.allowed_sessions_per_user" and "vdc.dcv_session.instance_types.allow" have been correctly updated with my changes.

6 - Continue the installation

You can now move forward with the installer by choosing "Yes".

IDEA parameters always use the same syntax: module.section.key.


If you want to update scheduler.ec2.enable_detailed_monitoring, you will have to edit ~/.idea/clusters/<YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME>/<YOUR_REGION>/config/scheduler/settings.yml and find enable_detailed_monitoring key within the ec2 section.

You can also change these settings post-installation. Refer to Cluster operationsfor more details.

Last updated