Cluster Management

How do I update Boto3

Boto3 (https://boto3.amazonaws.com/v1/documentation/api/latest/index.html) is the official AWS Python SDK. We recommend to update boto3 on a regular basis in order to stay up-to-date with the latest AWS releases (new instance types ...)

To update Boto3, run the following patch command:

./idea-admin.sh patch scheduler \
  --cluster-name <CLUSTER_NAME> \
  --aws-region <REGION> \
  --force \
  --patch-command 'sudo idea_pip install boto3 --upgrade && sudo supervisorctl restart all'

Refer to Patch IDEA module (idea-admin.sh patch) to learn more about the patch utility

How do I safe-list a new IP to access my IDEA environment

To safelist a new IP, navigate to VPC > Managed Prefix List and add your new entry into the Prefix List created by IDEA.

Alternatively, you can run the following idea-admin.sh command:

./idea-admin.sh utils cluster-prefix-list add-entry
  --cluster-name <CLUSTER_NAME> \
  --aws-region <REGION> \
  --cidr x.x.x.x/x \ 
  --description '<DESCRIPTION>'
I never received the welcome email after installing IDEA, how can I create an admin user?

Use ideactl If you cannot receive email from Cognito due to IT restriction. Login to the Cluster Manager EC2 instance and run ideactl accounts create-user

# Make sure to run this command as root on the CLUSTER Manager
# ideactl accounts create-user --email "[email protected]" --password "Password123@" --username "mcrozes2" --sudo --email-verified
  "username": "mcrozes2",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "uid": 5068,
  "gid": 5077,
  "group_name": "mcrozes2-user-group",
  "login_shell": "/bin/bash",
  "home_dir": "/data/home/mcrozes2",
  "sudo": true,
  "status": "CONFIRMED",
  "enabled": true,
  "created_on": "2022-12-21T16:37:32.033000+00:00",
  "updated_on": "2022-12-21T16:37:32.033000+00:00"

If you cannot use SSM, you can use idea-admin.sh . Run the following commands to create a new admin user via IDEA APIs

IDEA_DEPLOYMENT_REGION="region where you deployed IDEA"

# Retrieve Client ID
CLIENT_ID_ARN=$(./idea-admin.sh config show \
--query "cluster-manager.client_id" \
--cluster-name $IDEA_CLUSTER_NAME \
--format raw)

CLIENT_ID=$(aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id $CLIENT_ID_ARN --query "SecretString" --output text --region $IDEA_DEPLOYMENT_REGION)# Retrieve Client Secret

# Retrieve Client secret
CLIENT_SECRET_ARN=$(./idea-admin.sh config show \
--query "cluster-manager.client_secret" \
--cluster-name $IDEA_CLUSTER_NAME \
--format raw)

CLIENT_SECRET=$(aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id $CLIENT_SECRET_ARN --query "SecretString" --output text --region $IDEA_DEPLOYMENT_REGION)

# Retrieve Cognito URL
COGNITO_USER_POOL=$(./idea-admin.sh config show \
--query "identity-provider.cognito.domain_url" \
--cluster-name $IDEA_CLUSTER_NAME \
--format raw)

# Retrieve ALB endpoint
IDEA_ALB=$(./idea-admin.sh config show \
--query "cluster.load_balancers.external_alb.load_balancer_dns_name" \
--cluster-name $IDEA_CLUSTER_NAME \
--format raw)

# Generate Authorization Header (remove -w 0 if using Mac)

# Request Bearer
curl --silent --insecure --location --request POST "$COGNITO_USER_POOL/oauth2/token" \
--header "Authorization: Basic $AUTHORIZATION_HEADER" \
--header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
--data-urlencode "grant_type=client_credentials" \
--data-urlencode "scope=cluster-manager/read cluster-manager/write" > .bearer

# Bearer output is stored as text file in order to use -r. File is removed shortly after
BEARER=$(cat .bearer | jq -r ".access_token")

rm -rf .bearer

# Create Admin User
curl --silent --insecure --location --request POST "https://$IDEA_ALB/cluster-manager/api/v1" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $BEARER" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data-raw '{
"header": {
"namespace": "Accounts.CreateUser"
"payload": {
"user": {
"username": "'$IDEA_ADMIN_USER'",
"password": "'$IDEA_ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD'",
"additional_groups": ["managers-cluster-group", "administrators-cluster-group]
"email_verified": true
How do I patch/update/change the configuration an IDEA module
How do I uninstall IDEA?
How do I resume a failed IDEA installation
How to customize the logo/title or subtitle of my IDEA environment

The logo, title and subtitle of the Web Portal can be customized using configurations.


  • title - Integrated Digital Engineering on AWS (IDEA)

  • logo - IDEA Default Logo

  • subtitle - <cluster-name> (<aws-region>)


Logo can be customized by uploading appropriate logo file to the cluster's S3 Bucket. Copy the S3 object key and run the below command:

./idea-admin.sh config \
set Key=cluster-manager.web_portal.logo,Type=string,Value=assets/logo.png \
--cluster-name <CLUSTER_NAME> \
--aws-region <REGION>


Title can be customized by running the below command:

./idea-admin.sh config \ 
  set "Key=cluster-manager.web_portal.title,Type=string,Value=My Company" \
  --cluster-name <CLUSTER_NAME> \
  --aws-region <REGION>


Subtitle can be customized by running the below command:

./idea-admin.sh config \
  set "Key=cluster-manager.web_portal.subtitle,Type=string,Value=R&D Cluster" \
  --cluster-name <CLUSTER_NAME> \
  --aws-region <REGION>

How do I configure automatic mount for additional File-system (FSx Lustre/OnTAP/OpenZFS/Windows, EFS)

See Shared Storage module

How do I automatically add new tags during the installation?

Update the last section of idea/idea-administrator/resources/config/templates/global-settings/settings.yml

# provide custom tags for all resources created by IDEA
# for eg. to add custom tags, tags as below:
# custom_tags:
#   - Key=custom:MyTagName,Value=MyTagValue
#   - Key=AnotherExampleName,Value=Another Example Value
custom_tags: []
How to automatically add IAM Managed Policies to existing IDEA IAM roles

Add the managed policy ARN in cluster settings: source/idea-administrator/resources/config/templates/cluster/settings.yml

All roles will contain the policy(ies) you have added to the list.

I am using an existing VPC and scheduler module is not working (not able to query the internal DNS)

IDEA create a route53 private hosted zone.

If you try to curl any DNS from this Route53 Zone,and get no result, even though the Private Zone is assigned to the VPC

# nslookup 
** server can't find 
-east-2.local: NXDOMAIN

To fix this, enable DNS hostname/resolution on your VPC


Where are the application logs stored?

IDEA modules such as cluster-manager, virtual-desktop-controller and scheduler run a python based application server.

The application server logs are available under: /opt/idea/app/logs

All logs will be available in application.log. In rare occasions, few logs may be available under stdout.log.

Logging can configured per application server using IDEA Cluster Configuration. Below is the logging configuration for cluster-manager:

./idea-admin.sh config show \
  --cluster-name <CLUSTER_NAME> \
  --aws-region <REGION> \
  --query "cluster-manager.logging.*"
| Key                                           | Value              | Version |
| cluster-manager.logging.default_log_file_name | application.log    |    1    |
| cluster-manager.logging.logs_directory        | /opt/idea/app/logs |    1    |
| cluster-manager.logging.profile               | production         |    1    |
How to debug a module not starting correctly

1 - Log in to the EC2 machine and check the logs under /root/boostrap/logs.

Try to find some potential issue(s) by looking for keywords like:

  • error

  • fatal

  • denied

  • permission

All infrastructure nodes such as directoryservice (openldap-server), scheduler, bastion-host, virtual-desktop controller use a standard directory structure during bootstrap.

2 - Check if supervisord is running correctly (/opt/idea/python/latest/bin/supervisorctl status), if not check /var/log/supervisord.log

3 - Depending your module, you can also check the app log via /opt/idea/app/logs

Make sure to run supervisorctl restart all after making any changes

Scale-Out Workloads Jobs

My job is not starting, how can I check the bootstrap/setup logs

If your job is not starting, you can verify if the provisioned capacity is configured correctly by checking the bootstrap logs under /apps/<CLUSTER>/scheduler/jobs

Logs structure:

  • jobs/

    • <job_id>/

      • <job_type> (bootstrap or compute_node setup)

        • <EC2 Host>

Example: /apps/idea-demo/scheduler/jobs/98/logs/ip-10-110-4-189

How do I add additional logic to be executed on my compute nodes?

Edit /apps/<CLUSTER>/scheduler/compute_node/userdata_customizations.sh if you want to add your own code to the compute node(s). Script is executed at the very end of the bootstrap sequence.

Last updated