Update IDEA configuration (idea-admin.sh config)

Use the Config command if you want to make a configuration change (e.g: enable SES, point DCV driver to a new version, change default security group ...). Refer to Update IDEA configuration (idea-admin.sh config) for other types of updates.

idea-admin.sh config utility is a powerful tool that allow you to control the vast majority of your cluster configuration/parameters without having to manually access the configuration files. In this example, we will demonstrate how you can easily update the integration of IDEA with AWS Backup.


  • Admins run the idea-admin.sh config utility to retrieve/update the current configuration

  • Configuration change is updated on the Amazon DynamoDB table associated to the IDEA cluster

  • DynamoDB Stream updates the relevant IDEA module automatically after a configuration parameter has been changed

Configuration keys are prefixed with the module information.

See some examples below:

  • scheduler.security_group_id is linked to the HPC WorkLoads module

  • vdc.dcv_host_security_group_id is linked to the Virtual Desktop Interface (VDI) module

  • directoryservice.root_username_secret_arn is linked to the DirectoryService module

./idea-admin.sh config show

You can retrieve the current configuration of your IDEA cluster by running ./idea-admin.sh config show utility.

This utility also supports regular expressions as part of the --query/-q argument.

For example, run the command below to list all configuration related to the integration of AWS Backup:

./idea-admin.sh config show \
  --cluster-name <CLUSTER_NAME> \
  --aws-region <REGION> \
  --query "(.*)backup(.*)"
| Key                                                                           | Value                                                                                  | Version |
| cluster.backups.backup_plan.arn                                               | arn:aws:backup:us-east-2:REDACTED:backup-plan:c80992c6-8d7c-4708-9182-0bf81f20b3d2     | 2       |
| cluster.backups.backup_plan.rules.default.completion_window_minutes           | 480                                                                                    | 1       |
| cluster.backups.backup_plan.rules.default.delete_after_days                   | 7                                                                                      | 1       |
| cluster.backups.backup_plan.rules.default.move_to_cold_storage_after_days     | -                                                                                      | 1       |
| cluster.backups.backup_plan.rules.default.schedule_expression                 | cron(0 5 * * ? *)                                                                      | 1       |
| cluster.backups.backup_plan.rules.default.start_window_minutes                | 60                                                                                     | 1       |
| cluster.backups.backup_plan.selection.tags                                    | - Key=idea:ClusterName,Value=<CLUSTER_NAME>                                            | 1       |
|                                                                               | - Key=idea:BackupPlan,Value=cluster                                                    |         |
|                                                                               |                                                                                        |         |
| cluster.backups.backup_vault.arn                                              | arn:aws:backup:us-east-2:REDACTED:backup-vault:<CLUSTER_NAME>-cluster-backup-vault        | 2       |
| cluster.backups.backup_vault.kms_key_id                                       | -                                                                                      | 1       |
| cluster.backups.backup_vault.removal_policy                                   | DESTROY                                                                                | 1       |
| cluster.backups.enable_restore                                                | True                                                                                   | 1       |
| cluster.backups.enabled                                                       | True                                                                                   | 1       |
| cluster.backups.role_arn                                                      | arn:aws:iam::REDACTED:role/<CLUSTER_NAME>-cluster-backup-role-us-east-2                   | 2       |
| cluster.logging.handlers.file.backupCount                                     | 15                                                                                     | 1       |
| vdc.vdi_host_backup.backup_plan.arn                                           | arn:aws:backup:us-east-2:REDACTED:backup-plan:d65c14d0-a970-4d3c-933e-4b658e1a6f3d     | 1       |
| vdc.vdi_host_backup.backup_plan.rules.default.completion_window_minutes       | 480                                                                                    | 1       |
| vdc.vdi_host_backup.backup_plan.rules.default.delete_after_days               | 7                                                                                      | 1       |
| vdc.vdi_host_backup.backup_plan.rules.default.move_to_cold_storage_after_days | -                                                                                      | 1       |
| vdc.vdi_host_backup.backup_plan.rules.default.schedule_expression             | cron(0 5 * * ? *)                                                                      | 1       |
| vdc.vdi_host_backup.backup_plan.rules.default.start_window_minutes            | 60                                                                                     | 1       |
| vdc.vdi_host_backup.backup_plan.selection.tags                                | - Key=idea:ClusterName,Value=<CLUSTER_NAME>                                            | 1       |
|                                                                               | - Key=idea:BackupPlan,Value=vdc                                                        |         |
|                                                                               |                                                                                        |         |
| vdc.vdi_host_backup.enabled                                                   | True                                                                                   | 1       |

You can display the output in multiple formats (yaml/table/raw)

To continue our example, let's pretend we want to disable the AWS Backup integration.

First, query your IDEA configuration to verify if the integration is active by checking the "cluster.backups.enabled" parameter.

./idea-admin.sh config show \
  --cluster-name <CLUSTER_NAME> \
  --aws-region <REGION>
  --query "cluster.backups.enabled"
| Key                         | Value | Version |
| cluster.backups.enabled.    | True  | 1       |

Alternatively, you can validate this setting via the web interface under "Cluster Settings":

./idea-admin.sh config set

To update this configuration parameter, run the ./idea-admin.sh config set command and pass the Key argument via Key=<param_name>,Type=<param_type>,Value=<param_value>

./idea-admin.sh config set \
  Key=cluster.backups.enabled,Type=bool,Value=False \
  --cluster-name <CLUSTER_NAME> \
  --aws-region <REGION>
| Key                         | Value |
| cluster.backups.enabled.    | False |
? Are you sure you want to update above config entries? Yes
updating config: cluster.backups.enabled = False

Entry must be of below format: Key=KEY_NAME,Type=[str|int|float|bool|list|list|list|list],Value=[VALUE|[VALUE1,VALUE2,...]]

Config key names cannot contain: comma(,), colon(:)


  1. To set a string config type: ./idea-admin.sh config set Key=global-settings.string_val,Type=string,Value=stringcontent --cluster-name <CLUSTER_NAME> --aws-region <REGION>

  2. To set an integer config type: ./idea-admin.sh config set Key=global-settings.int_val,Type=int,Value=12 --cluster-name <CLUSTER_NAME> --aws-region <REGION>

  3. To set a config with list of strings: ./idea-admin.sh config set "Key=my_config.string_list,Type=list<str>,Value=value1,value2" --cluster-name <CLUSTER_NAME> --aws-region <REGION>

  4. To set a config with list of integers: ./idea-admin.sh config set "Key=my_config.string_list,Type=list<int>,Value=value1,value2" --cluster-name <CLUSTER_NAME> --aws-region <REGION>

  5. To set a config with list of decimal/float: ./idea-admin.sh config set "Key=my_config.string_list,Type=list<float>,Value=value1,value2" --cluster-name <CLUSTER_NAME> --aws-region <REGION>

  6. To set a config with list of bool: ./idea-admin.sh config set "Key=my_config.string_list,Type=list<bool>,Value=value1,value2" --cluster-name <CLUSTER_NAME> --aws-region <REGION>

  7. Update multiple config entries: ./idea-admin.sh config set Key=global-settings.string_val,Type=string,Value=stringcontent "Key=global-settings.integer_list,Type=list,Value=1,2" "Key=global-settings.string_list,Type=list,Value=str1,str2" --cluster-name <CLUSTER_NAME> --aws-region <REGION>

You can now re-run the ./idea-admin.sh config show command to validate the configuration in the IDEA database has been updated correctly:

./idea-admin.sh config show \
  --cluster-name <CLUSTER_NAME> \
  --aws-region <REGION>
  --query "cluster.backups.enabled"
| Key                         | Value | Version |
| cluster.backups.enabled     | False | 2       |

Alternatively, you can validate this setting via the web interface under "Cluster Settings" and config the integration with AWS Backup is now disabled.

Last updated